We Energies charitable giving
We Energies supports initiatives for community and neighborhood development, health and human services, arts and culture, education and environment. The company matches its employees’ charitable giving to those initiatives and also conducts an annual workplace giving campaign for the United Way. Financial support is limited to the activities of nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations in communities served by We Energies. Most of the charitable support is through the We Energies Foundation, funded by stockholders of WEC Energy Group.
Before applying for support, make sure your organization or project is eligible.
Eligible projects/organizations
- Qualified charitable, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, per Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code guidelines
- Located in the area served by our respective energy company
- Focused on one of our funding areas:
- Community and neighborhood development
- Arts and culture
- Health and human services
- Education
- Environment
General operating support
We prefer to support a particular program or project. We rarely provide operating funds to individual United Way agencies that already benefit from our donations to United Way. While United Way supported organizations are excluded for general operating support, they are eligible to apply for a project, program or capital campaign and event sponsorships.
Not eligible
- Individuals
- Fraternal, religious or political organizations
- Trips, tours, pageants or athletics
- Team, extra-curricular school events or student exchange programs
- Organizations located outside our service areas, unless funding a specific project delivered directly to our customer communities
- Organizations determined by the IRS to be not tax-exempt under 501(c)(3)
- Organizations that discriminate for any reason, including race, color, religion, creed, age, gender, national origin or sexual orientation
- Private Foundations
Our online application process allows you to create, save, edit and view the status of requests. Grant requests will be reviewed within 90 days from the date of the next deadline. You will be notified by email of the outcome and any dollar amount of an approved request.
We Energies Foundation Grant: Quarterly deadlines: Jan. 31, April 30, July 31, Oct. 31.
Please note, an organization only will be eligible to receive funding once per calendar year.
Rewarding Responders Grant: Up to $2,000 to public safety response agencies to support equipment purchases and professional development. Deadline: June 15.
Employee and retiree programs
Matching Gifts: The program encourages eligible active and retired employees to make donations to eligible nonprofit organizations in our communities.
Matching Gifts
Daughters and Sons Scholarships: Children of eligible employees and retirees can apply for scholarships for postsecondary education.
Daughters and Sons Scholarship
We Energies Foundation board of directors and officers
Board of directors and officers
We Energies Foundation administrator: