Ethics and Compliance
The compliance officer, Margaret (Peggy) C. Kelsey, provides oversight of the management and operations of the company’s Ethics and Compliance program. She ensures that the Program reasonably prevents and/or detects violations of laws, regulations, organization policies and the Code. The compliance officer also fosters “tone at the top” by assisting leaders in cultivating a culture of integrity.
WEC Energy Group is committed to conducting its business with a high level of integrity, a business value that is the foundation for all our decisions and actions. Integrity has been our hallmark since our earliest days of operation and will continue to underpin our success.
Supporting policies and commitments
- Code of Business Conduct
- Government Relations
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption
- Anti-Retaliation
- Anti-Harassment
- Human Rights
Supplier Code of Conduct
We strive to maintain positive, successful working relationships with third parties that supply goods and/or services to the company. In accordance with the Supplier Code of Conduct, these suppliers must commit to conducting all business on our behalf in a manner consistent with the values and clear expectations stated in the WEC Energy Group Code of Business Conduct. In support of this, suppliers must abide by all requirements contained in our contract terms and conditions, including the spirit of all applicable laws; and report known or suspected violations of laws and other unethical behaviors as they relate to work associated with our company to the appropriate company contact.
Reporting concerns
We encourage individuals to seek advice in doubtful situations, express concerns, or report suspected violations of our corporate policies, standards, laws and regulations.
The company offers many options for reporting concerns or seeking guidance:
- Contact listed within an applicable policy
- Company leader
- Confidential EthicsLine – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- 888-536-1499 or www.wec.ethics.ethicspoint.com
- Compliance Officer Peggy Kelsey at 414-221-3055
- Physical Security at 920-433-1566
WEC Energy Group prohibits retaliation against individuals who report questionable ethical conduct in good faith; who provide information or otherwise assist with an investigation; or who file, testify, participate in or otherwise assist in any related proceeding of matters brought to the attention of the company.
What to report
- Conduct involving fraud
- Questions for guidance on potential illegal or unethical activities
- Conflicts of interest
- Violations of corporate policies
- Financial reporting issues
- Violations of federal, state and local laws
- Harassment or other inappropriate conduct
- Issues regarding the protection of company information and assets
How the EthicsLine works
- An independent third-party administers the line.
- Calls are handled promptly, professionally and with sensitivity.
- All calls are kept confidential to the extent reasonably possible, and you may choose to remain anonymous.
- Matters requiring investigation are immediately reported to the compliance officer.
Frequently asked questions about the EthicsLine
The Audit and Oversight Committee of the WEC Energy Group Board of Directors oversees the company’s Ethics and Compliance program.